Monday, November 30, 2009

Youtube downloader

I found this freeware software after a couple of minutes searching google, its pretty easy to use. instructions below (taken from their website ).


"YouTube Downloader is software that allows you to download videos from YouTube, Google Video, Yahoo Video, and many others and convert them to other video formats.
The program is easy to use, just specify the URL for the video you want to download and click the Ok button!
It also allows you to convert downloaded videos for Ipod, Iphone, PSP, Cell Phone, Windows Media, XVid and MP3."


Sunday, November 29, 2009

youtube video ripping sites

The following sites allow you do download videos from the popular Youtube website. as per my older post, all sites noted below are free of charge the ones noted with an asterisk(*) allow you to change the format of the downloaded file, to a more popular format.


i will upload some video/audio ripping software hopefully tomorow.


How to become a WIndows XP system user

It's been a while since my last post, i haven't really been in the mood for posting until recently.
Anyway, looking through my old usb's I found this .txt document i made giving instructions on how to become a system user on windows xp computers. im not sure whether this makes you a temporary or permanent system user.keep in mind that i made this roughly 5 years ago, and i dont think i can help you much if you come across any problems, sorry.

1.Open Command Prompt. Go to Start , then Run. In Run option type cmd and click OK. After this will open Command Prompt, or Start->All Programs ->Accessories->Command Prompt

2. In Command Prompt write at 13:55 /interactive cmd.exe and press enter , the time should be a minute or two ahead of your present time in the 24 hours format.

After a minute or two will appear new Comand Prompt Window wit different title bar. It has changed from cmd.exe to svchost.exe.

3. End current explorer.exe process. Open Task Manager, select explorer.exe and click End Process.

4. In new Comand Prompt with title svchost.exe, write cd.. and press enter , then write explorer.exe and press enter.

After this you will become SYSTEM user,



Saturday, November 14, 2009

Youtube audio ripping websites

These sites allow you to download the audio from youtube video's,the ones below are free of charge and some of them even allow you to change the format of the audio file once downloaded. 

These websites are useful if you are looking for a song  that isn't available anywhere else, and youtube is the last resort.
ill make sure to add more and update this post as i find new sites



just a collection of wallpapers i have on my computer, i haven't made or edited any of these. if the artists of theses wallpapers do not wish for me to upload them, please contact me

Links: part 1
           part 2
           part 3
           part 4
           part 5


hidden folder batch file

this little batch file, creates a hidden folder that can only be unlocked by password.

It's really simple, once you have downloaded the file,
1.extract the zip file the .bat where you want to create a folder
3.when prompted, type the password: 32649587659865 (this can be changed later)
4.folder should appear, to lock the folder again simply run the .bat file and type 'y'

To change the password to your preferences, right click on the .bat file and click edit, then press CTRL + F and type 32649587659865 in the box, once found highlight and change the password to whatever you like.

i just want to make this very clear: when you lock the folder, if you move the .bat file to another folder and attempt to unlock, the .bat file will just create a new hidden folder, it will now move the previously made folder.

the good thing about this folder is that even if your computer is set to "view hidden files and folders" the file shows up as a short cut to control panel, so if used on school or work computers it possibly works as a back door to control panel (this hasn't been tested yet)



Tuesday, November 10, 2009

SLT portforward

SLT port forwards is an extremely easy to use port forwarding program, you just type in the port number and click forward port. programs on forwarded ports do not have to pass through the router, thus avoiding the firewall, as most games and some programs require a forwarded port, this program is an essential if you're like me and spend most of your day on a computer.



Monday, November 9, 2009

DOMX decoder for .avi files

I hate it when i download a movie via torrent only to have the avi file tell me that i need the "domx player" to view the movie, im sure most if not all movie pirates have come across these. so, ladys and gents i give you the domx decoder:

what this program does is removes certain parts of the file that were not there originally. EG: i download a movie, and later add a watermark or message to the file, this program removes all that and leaves the original video


you may need an archiving program such as Winrar (, Winzip ( or 7zip ( to extract the domx decoder


Websites for music lovers!!
For the latest in RnB and HipHop tunes, this site has tons of new release songs with previews on the site and download links.
For the best electro & house music in the world, a site thats been around for a long time now, its community is built on electro/house DJ's and music producers.


Sunday, November 8, 2009

audiophiles guide to the internet

this is pretty much part two of the guide to the internet pdf's, again i found this along with a few others while backing up my old hard drive. this one features stuff like:

  • where to find legit music download sites
  • where to find not so legit download sites
  • how to use P2P programs like limewire
  • how to use torrents for music
  • how to download music through google hacks
  • streaming your own music
  • starting your own online radio staion
originally found on, these guys make some pretty good tutorials, make sure to head over to thier site


Movie addicts guide to the internet

I stumbled upon this file late last night and while backing up one of my hard drives and found it pretty useful, this is pretty much what taught me how to downloading movies. enjoy ;)
This movie lovers guide contains information such as:

  • where to find the best movie reviews
  • sneak peeks of upcoming films
  • where and how to download movies 
  • Torrents: what they are and how to use them
  • how to find and even make your own subtitles
  • how to repair broken avi files!
almost everything you will ever need about movies will be in this pdf.


 i originally found this over at a while back

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