Saturday, January 16, 2010

Save time when typing URL's

Nowadays theres no need to type http:/www. followed by the .com, just type in the websites name eg. theoatmeal and press Control+Enter. your browser will automatically enter the http://www and .com parts for you.

  • For .org webpages press Control-Shift-Enter
  • For .net  webpages press Shift-Enter


Making start menu arrive faster

I decided to make this little Tut after getting fed up with the start menu taking its time to load when my PC boots up. its very simple and easy.

  1. you need to open registry: Start menu -> run and type regedit
  2. Press CTRL+F and then at the search box type MenuShowDelay
  3. From the default 400, change it to whatever you like, (personally i recommend 100)
Remember: whenever messing with the registry always back up the file you are about to edit! better safe than sorry


Deleting hidden unwanted software (msn messenger 4.7)

One of the most annoying things about windows XP (if you're still using this OS) is those stupid programs you cant uninstall eg; MSN messenger 4.7 and outlook express. now these programs are pretty useless for most people, they just sit there and take up space, so after some searching on the net i found a way to finally  uninstall them:

  1. Find the text file at c:\windows\inf\sysoc.inf 
    • Go to Windows folder
    • Find the Inf folder inside that
    • Search for the sysoc.inf file
  2. Right click>edit
  3. Search for the word hide in the file and remove it. Do NOT remove any other text from the line.
  4. Now you can go to the Add or Remove Programs in the Control Panel
  5. Select Add/Remove Windows Components and there you can find your unwanted software. Go ahead and Uninstall.


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Folder locking batch file --UPDATED--


This new and improved batch file now has added password confirmation, it also allows you 3 chances to get the password right, if you get it wrong all 3 times the computer gives you 20 seconds to save whatever you were doing before it shuts down, this has been added as a countermeasure if anyone tries to access your locked files.

To abort shutdown: start>run the window type in "shutdown -a"


this little batch file, creates a hidden folder that can only be unlocked by password.

It's really simple, once you have downloaded the file,
1.extract the zip file the .bat where you want to create a folder
3.when prompted, type the password: 32649587659865 (this can be changed later)
4.folder should appear, to lock the folder again simply run the .bat file and type 'y'

To change the password to your preferences, right click on the .bat file and click edit, then press CTRL + F and type 32649587659865 in the box, once found highlight and change the password to whatever you like.

i just want to make this very clear: when you lock the folder, if you move the .bat file to another folder and attempt to unlock, the .bat file will just create a new hidden folder, it will not move the previously made folder.

the good thing about this folder is that even if your computer is set to "view hidden files and folders" the file shows up as a short cut to control panel, so if used on school or work computers it possibly works as a back door to control panel (this still hasn't been tested yet)


TIP: if you think making your computer shutdown is a bad overboard, you can make the batch file just lock your computer, all you have to do is:

1.right click on the .bat file edit
3.find and delete " shutdown -s -f -t 20 -c "told you, you don't wanna get it wrong" " its place type in rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation the file

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